National Nutrition Month: Eating healthy on the go

March is National Nutrition Month. This year’s theme is Beyond the Table, which encourages people to make healthy choices when they’re on the go.

Whether you’re working, attending school, running errands or taking part in social activities, fueling your body with nutritious foods is crucial to your health. Senior sports dietitian Natasha Hansen shares how you can make healthy choices outside of your kitchen.

Healthy food at restaurants

Whether it’s for convenience or comradery, restaurants are a common place to grab a meal while you’re away from home. Try these tips to keep working toward your goals:

  1. Research the menu: Before you go out, find the restaurant’s menu online. Compare the nutritional information (if available) and choose dishes that meet your needs. Look for healthier options with foods that are baked, broiled, grilled or streamed.
  2. Control your portion: Restaurant portions are often larger than you’d prepare at home. Consider splitting your meal with a friend, opting for smaller portions with appetizers or taking leftovers home for another meal or snack.

Eating sustainably

Healthy choices are not just good for you but also good for the planet. Embrace sustainability while grocery shopping and cooking with these tips:

  1. Shop local: Visit your local farmers market to find fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables that are flavorful and nutritious.
  2. Limit waste: Planning meals and packing leftovers to eat on the go helps reduce food waste.
  3. Plant a garden: Grow your own vegetables and herbs at home to reduce your environmental footprint.

Benefits of a registered dietitian

Staying on track with your goals can be overwhelming. A registered dietitian can help you fulfill your nutritional needs with personalized meal plans. Whether you want to enhance your athletic performance, improve your body composition or develop healthy eating habits, your registered dietitian will help you find success beyond the table.


Natasha Hansen
Natasha Hansen Senior Sports Dietitian
Natasha Hansen joined Sanford Sports as our Senior Sports Dietitian in November of 2023. Hansen comes to Sanford Sports from The University of Kansas where she was the Director of Performance Nutrition.
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